Array of Services for all your HR needs
Let Us Help you inspire future

human asset building and management
United Consulting is a Human Asset Building and Management Company. We provide amalgamated solutions to discover, flourish and protect human assets for a well-variegated portfolio of partners. With in-depth knowledge of the markets and a broad understanding of modern business challenges, our advisors help you transform the talent in your organisation.
We don’t just develop Human Asset Capabilities – i.e. processes and people, but enroot and streamline them through our propriety consulting services. Using metrics and analytics along with consideration of intangible factors, we bring critical questions into focus, which lead to bolder strategies, simplified operations and sustainable growth. United Consulting prides itself in culturing an effective and dedicated team, which is able to bring your organisation to the next level.
At United Consulting, we are committed to enabling our clients to achieve excellence in the simplest and effective way.
Our vision is to be the most reliable and preferred partner to all our clients thereby paving a way for sustainable growth coupled with enriched value-creating outcomes.
Define a new tomorrow for your business. Let us help you inspire future.
- Robust HR knowledge foundation
- Globally trusted and peer driven HRM insights
- Strategic and streamlined process delivery
- Methodical approach to evaluate organizational environment
- Delivering highly qualified and efficient employees globally
Corporate Services
Selecting a person for a job in an organisation comprises of activities including advertising vacancies, identifying potentially qualified candidates, screening, conducting job interviews, performing background checks, etc. All of these steps are a part of an all-encompassing process in human resource management – Recruitment. ..
Whether you have an entrenched process or you’re just starting out, United Consulting can connect your company with hard-to-find and highly sought-after candidates globally. Our advisors have decades of collective experience in hiring across multiple industries and seniority levels including niche hiring, map hiring and executive hiring
We not only assess the candidates technical and soft skills but we look at their match with the company’s culture and goals to ensure their long-term integration
Organizations today suffer from a skills gap and need at least 3 to 5 years to take a seasoned professional and make them productive. This means that the companies have to train, retrain and educate all employees at all levels in order to grow. As millennials take more responsibility, companies will need to build leadership and communication skills …
at all levels to ensure optimum results. Corporate training has evolved rapidly in the recent years and is no longer limited to training just new hires and sales people. Both trainers and employees are now considered as strategic partners who are critical to the success of any business.
Corporate trainings are beneficial not only for the organisation but also for the employees. Profit growth, reduced attrition, deeper talent succession pipelines help organisations to stay afloat in the competitive market. While the company thrives, the employees work with increased motivation, are more engaged and have improved productivity and competency.
Merging with the right training partner is crucial for an organisation’s training effectiveness. We, at United Consulting, provide solutions that build the capabilities of your organisation to achieve its goals and vision. Our experienced and highly skilled trainers give end to end solutions for every organisation’s need from training need assessment, training effectiveness, technical trainings, trainings for soft skills and blue collared workers to training matrix and calendar.
Our content and delivery strategy focuses on:
- Analysing skill demand and training need: Our facilitators design and develop the training modules and training need based on the organisation’s overall goal and vision.
- Analysing skill gaps: Our training matrix revolves around the gaps between employee’s current skill and ideal skill to better pinpoint what the specific learning objectives should be.
- Layer training methods: Layered approach is used to ensure that people of all abilities, intelligence and learning styles are able to participate and perform. To ensure effective learning, we provide layered training programmes encompassing sustainable training activities to vault up the performance improvement scale over time. A layered approach targets the essential employee, client and business needs while training the right people at the right time with the right training modules. To tip the scale up for your company’s talent, our trainers use a blend of learning experiences and training methods maximizing the benefits of your time.
- Training evaluation: United Consulting understands the need for post training evaluation to identify measurable training performance and subsequent improvement on the field. Employee training need does not end at just training and facilitating. An end to end performance scaling is the key to ensure sustainable training and effective application of learning on the job.
Compensation Benchmarking
Labour costs make up for a significant part of the organisation’s cost structure. Therefore, managing compensation and benefits effectively is imperative for organisational growth and success. At United Consulting, we help you reduce unnecessary expenses to make the maximum of your compensation management. Considering competition …
and best practices, our advisors provide impartial and accurate market information to help you make informed and sustainable remuneration decisions.
With our expert knowledge we are a reliable guide for hirings, promotions and internal salary adjustments. This way we help to attract and retain best and maximum human asset focused on delivering quality results.
HR Advisory
Good system shortens the road to our goal. Good order is the foundation of all things – Ralph Emmerson & Edmund Burke.
Running a
company is
operating a
It’s vital
that all
parts work
in tandem to
and maximum
Having the
right people
strategy and
HR systems
forms the
goals and
your company
United Consulting,
our experts
know exactly
how ..
to channel the best and optimum output for your organisation. We see it as our mission to make your business succeed through good people management practices. With our unmatched experience and expertise, we help you design better workflow process and deliver long lasting results.
We are here too
Why Choose Our Consulting Services?
United Consulting is more than an HR consultant. Apart from identifying qualified candidates, there are other reasons to obtain our services:
- To ensure proficient and sustainable recruitment
We believe that the key to successful recruitment is to hire character and train skill, while reducing hiring costs and increasing the quality of hire. At the same time, we also understand that our recruitment support sows the seeds for your reputation. United Consulting helps you make the most of every aspect of your talent acquisition process.
- To ensure a happy and engaged workforce aligned with the organisational goals
Our advisors help in restructuring the operational process and workflow design of the business management in areas such as organisational design, performance management processes and equitable compensation structure
- To ensure individual and organisational growth
Due to the dynamics of the global markets job and skill requirements keep changing constantly. We ensure that your team is equipped with the knowledge skills and attitudes that it needs to make your business succeed today as well as in the future.
- To ensure compliance with laws and regulations
There are various rules and regulations that organizations must adhere to when it comes to its human resources management. We make sure that no organisation has to go through the hassle of bothering with the nitty-gritties of legal adherence. We create and manage a smooth flowing process to cover that aspect for you.
Reach Us
E-II Flat # 5,Liberty Society, Off North Main Road, Koregaon Park Pune-411001
Landmark: Next to Celio Showroom & Opposite to Ramesh Super Market. - 9028117070
- shokin@unitedconsulting.in